From the late 1890s until his death in November of 1923, Brother Columba received thousands of letters from person who were suffering from both spiritual and physical affliction. Until shortly before his death, he answered almost all of them, assuring the writers that he would pray for their needs through his personal novenas and intercession to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Her Son’s Sacred Heart. Hundreds of letters attest to “favors and cures” received. While he was alive, he was known as the divine healer and the Miracle Man of Notre Dame.
Brother Columba’s manner of prayer was short and direct as the prayer below. He always recommended that the prayer be said for nine days (a novena). Each day of the novena say five times or more: Sacred Heart of Jesus cure me.
If you use this prayer and receive relief for your suffering, please contact Brother Philip Smith, CSC (574) 631-8972